This weekend I got on my craft grind again, with
ambiguous success. I don’t know if you heard, but there was a recent election
in the U.S, and due to the distraction, I didn’t tell ya’ll about my port
pillow achievement of a few weeks ago, wherein I sewed a tiny little simple
square pillow out of cotton flannel:

Then, flush with the triumph of actually
completing something, I decided to start a new rug. I picked an owl-themed rug,
because making something with an owl motif is mandatory for all crafters, and
I figured I might as well get it over with. I hand-drew the design from a
mishmash of different patterns I found online, and got an okay start on it last
night. Here’s the back side of the rug:
And, finally, I started the rewrite of the first
section of my novel. I carefully re-read the feedback I got from the potential
publisher and tried to address the issues she had with it. I’m a little ambiguous
about the new version, but I will admit that what it lacks in raw energy it
makes up for in clarity and smoothness. We’ll see.
In all of this doing, I did find a little time
to read, and thus finished a Dave Eggers novel that I’ll review here soon, and started
a new one called “A Man Named Ove”, which I hadn’t heard of until I saw that
the movie of the same title was playing at my local theater. I’m only a chapter
or two in, but already, Ove is my hero. I loved him immediately, and can only
hope that I too, might one day have it in me to create such an obnoxious crank
of a character. The main character in my novel is plenty obnoxious in her own
way, but she has absolutely nothing on Ove. Ove is a true classic. Ove is marvelously,
willfully cantankerous, stubborn beyond belief, and someone who most rational
people would want to immediately smack upside the head upon meeting. I can’t
wait to get to back to this book so I can enjoy more scenes of Ove
tormenting Apple store employees and antagonizing hospital staff.
And, exciting news: I am giving
away my peacock rug! It doesn’t fit in with the Typist's apartment “color palette”
and I don’t really have anywhere to put it. So if you want it, comment here, or
e-mail me if you have my e-mail address, and it shall be yours to enjoy! It’s
just sitting in my closet right now, and I’d rather that it get some use.
--Kristen McHenry
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