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What I Have Been Shilling this Week:
In conjunction with another one of my short stories, "Bite Wing" has been accepted by Loyal Stone Press. (Happy dance!) So, I will be removing it from this blog over the weekend. Thanks to all of you who read the series! I had a lot of fun writing it over the last six weeks.
What I Have Been Reading This Week:
"You're Not Doing It Right: Tales of Marriage, Sex, Death, and Other Humiliations" by Michael Ian Black--so far, very funny, with the added emotional depth and honesty of a more grown-up, reflective and world-weary MIB than the one who wrote "My Custom Van" (although that was also hilarious.)
What I Have Been Vaguely Contemplating Reading this Week:
"Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead" by Sheryl Sandberg. I downloaded a sample on my Kindle. I like what I've read so far, but I'm not totally sold on shelling out for the full version yet. As far as all of the heated controversy goes--I don't really get it. This book is written for a very specific audience (of which I am decidedly not a part.) It is emphasized repeatedly in the book that it is geared for a very specific audience. If you are a struggling single mom with three kids, working nights at a truck stop diner and just barely holding your head above water--this book is probably not going to speak to you at this particular moment in your life. If you are, say, a writer by night with an arts degree and a meandering career path, who happened find yourself plunked down into a job managing volunteers at an urban hospital, and you spend a good deal of your work day breaking up fistfights over the courtesy phone, the ground covered in this book is not your bailiwick. But if you are a determined, hyper-educated, highly experienced professional woman approaching the height of your career in hard-driving corporate America, then yeah, you're on the list. Read away. Sheryl will give you helpful tips for not shooting yourself in the foot.
Bonus Tip: No matter what stage of life you're in, negotiation is an important skill. There is a great video up on the Lean In website about how to negotiate effectively as a woman. (Yes, you do have to do it a little differently than a man, thanks to that whole, pesky "women are penalized for appearing aggressive" bugaboo.)
What I am Playing this Week:
The long anticipated, just-released Tomb Raider 2013. Oh, my chickadees, it is heavenly. Heavenly. The best Tomb Raider ever! (Except right now I'm stuck repeatedly getting Lara impaled to death on tree limbs during the parachute sequence. But no worries! Mr. Typist promised he'd help me get through it before I am taken away in a stretcher with PTSD by proxy.) I will write a more in-depth review soon, including the details of my extremely emotional/cathartic/empowering moment during the infamous near-rape scene. (Spoiler alert: I cried while doing it, and it took 34 tries, but I kicked that raping bastard's ass! Ha!!)
What Ails me This Week:
Those beautiful pink Cherry Blossom trees!! Oh, aren't they just gorgeous??? Don't they just make you fall in love with Spring? Excuse me while I pry my swollen eyelids open and squirt enough inhaler into my chest to wheeze out a heartfelt "Shut the hell up!" to those of you who think Spring is just wonderful. I am giving you a death-glare with my red-laced, streaming eyes in between honking my raw, dripping nose into yet another scratchy tissue.
Adding to my seething, allergy-laden resentment is the fact that Mr. Typist believes he is practicing a helpful form of "tough love" by gloating about the fact that he got shots 20 years ago and has nary a symptom now, and if I would just buck up and get them too, I wouldn't be having these problems. The only thing that has halfway saved me from ending up on a respirator is that it's been just rainy enough to wash the majority of the pollen out of the air over the last few days. I hate Spring--deeply, fully and with all my adrenaline-injected heart.
Do tell--what have you been up to this fine March week?
--Kristen McHenry
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