To-Do List After An Hour of Writing in The Ballard Library, 1-29-11
- A bad bird poem from Sadie's dream of crows. Reference: Great, black beating wings, molting as a metaphor.
- Look up the Latin name for “pig”. Write about the difficulty of skinning after slaughter; the incessant need for a blowtorch and patience.
- Ponder: Depression as a preponderance of passion; too much energy, nowhere to go. Include these words: Light's edge, gobsmacked, implacable, mourning.
- List the ways that pigs and birds are different. Who gets to leave the body. Which is a thing released, which is a thing bound inexorably to flesh. Make it unpredictable.
- Think of skin as bald, like ice cream. Think of it as melting, as alkaline. It’s too early to consider what emerges.
- Best form for all this a villanelle, as contains within its very rhythm a haunting repetition, etc.
- But not a bird emerging after all. Rather something red and wild, all hair and feathers, screaming, perhaps. Don't say "perhaps".
- Something about skipping off down the sidewalk, the body slithered out of like a cheap coat. (Don’t say “cheap coat.”)
- Include this clip: Outside the window as you write, a homeless man picks up a bright purple bag left in the bushes. He shakes it upside down, but it’s empty. He leaves it; continues on.
--Kristen McHenry
Image from: http://bobsartdujour.blogspot.com/2007_03_01_archive.html
A wonderful creation of nine valid vlsuals that give rise to a collage of photos! Number nine is a particularly vivid scene!
This is so interesting...
singular thoughts
Fascinating process. any one of those could make a good response to the sketch.
I like the progressive nature of the list.
Fabulous poem. Love the self-referential litany. The notes to self about what to do and not (don't).
I envy this poem. Having read it several times. :-)
A lot.
Kristin: i wish i knew you when i worked at the Hope. This is so much better than the staff meetings, etc.
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