The Goatfish Alphabet" has been published by Naissance Press! It's now available for purchase, so click the link if you want to get your fine self a copy. (When you get to the page, you'll need to scroll down just a wee tad to find "Goatfish"). Eventually you'll be able to buy it directly from me here via PayPal, but for now, if you want a copy, buy it from Naissance--they're good people.
Fantastic and yippee ti yi yay!!
This is really amazing news! I am thrilled for you, Kristen. Your work is so strong, it deserves to be out there in this way. This is only the start for you.
What an honor, congratulations! I'm so excited to read more of your work!
Aww! Thanks, everyone. And Dana, thank you for all of your support over the time that I've known you. (Has it been two years?) It really means a lot to me.
I don't know what a chapbook is, but I like the title very much. May it sell like hotcakes.
Thanks, Gorilla Bananas! :) A chapbook is small, simple book of 20-30 or so poems, usually stapled, with a card stock cover.
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