You know how in Zen they talk about Beginner's Mind? Well, lately I have had what I call Zombie Mind. It's not as nice a Beginner's Mind, believe me. The part of my brain where all the poetry happens is being sucked out by a vortex of work, illness, and worldly worries. I have no mojo. I'm working on some things, but it's all sticky and rusty in there. Yet my heart is mopey; it just wants be home writing, while my brain lurches around in a drooling, mindless haze of to-do lists and extraneous worries and double-checking, as a big part of my job is to worry and double-check. And my body; yeesh. Let's not even talk about what's going on there. It's just wrung out completely. I've been guzzling Emergenc-C like crazy, trying to get some vitamins into me. I hate these times, when I feel so distracted and pulled away from what I love the most. On top of it, I feel guitly for not focusing enough time on my writing. If I were a true poet, I would be passionate enough to forgo sleep and sustainance. I would be able to stay up all night and write in a fevered haze with nothing but dry pretzels for nourishment, right?
When I am writing, it's one of the few times that I truly feel that belong in the world; that I feel at peace, like I am in the right place in the universe, doing the right thing; everything flowing; this enormous silence all around me. I wish it could be like that with everything. Sometimes it is. Sometimes if I let go of all of the worrying, things do fall into place; things are fine, just fine. It's hard to find the proper place between vigilance and faith. It's hard not to take a nap in front of the TV when I should be writing. It's hard not to get discouraged and wonder why I bother; it's hard not to think sometimes that poetry is an absurd thing to spend time on, and yet I am compelled to.
I read lots of poems about grapes, pomegranates, blood oranges. Maybe I need to go eat some fruit. Maybe the all that metaphorical passion juice will buzz me awake.
"If I were a true poet, I would be passionate enough to forgo sleep and sustainance. I would be able to stay up all night and write in a fevered haze with nothing but dry pretzels for nourishment, right?"
Not true. Nope. Not at all true.
Well, that's my fantasy, anyway. But I'm a poetry princess. I need sleep, color, nourishing food, calm surroundings, and long, empty expanses of time...I'm the Paris Hilton of poets!
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